Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What makes a house function..

I stop by the homestead almost everyday and we have had more progress since Friday!  We have a septic pit and we have a leach field!!  If you don't know what that is here is your mini lesson. Our neighborhood isn't hooked up to the city water waste.. so we get to invest in this sweet looker below.

Ready to learn a thing or two?

Septic drain fields, also called leach fields or leach drains are used to remove contaminants and impurities from the liquid that emerges from the septic tank. A septic tank, the septic drain field, and the associated piping compose a complete septic system. The septic drain field is effective for disposal of organic materials readily catabolized by a microbial ecosystem. The drain field typically consists of an arrangement of trenches containing perforated pipes and porous material (often gravel) covered by a layer of soil to prevent animals and surface runoff from reaching the wastewater distributed within those trenches.

Hole for septic system

Leach field

I love to see these guys on my roof. 
Roof is almost done.. oh my lanta!!

Monday, March 3, 2014

2 more months?

I seriously have cried with glee when I see something happen at the homestead.  It was the doors most recently, the hardie siding is being completed (finally) for it seems we have had our respectable amount of delays on our more unique home for our neighborhood..  I think we are getting it together again, Austin has had a slew of hot and cold weather stunting some of the progress but most of it is the snowball effect, if one sub can't complete a job then someone else has to postpone their work.  Oh the learning curves and patience that goes along with home building is fun.

It will be that much sweeter come move in day.  Seriously holding in the excitement for a little longer..

Just waiting for bolts to add doors.

Can you spot the boo boo?  Redo is in the works.

Leach field.. who'd have thought I get excited over this to?

Our latest family adventure.. Enchnated Rock, Fredericksburg, TX