Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Catalogs galore

Are you bombarded with an onslaught of catalogs from time to time (or all the time)?  I use them as some of my lazy moment or light lunch reading.  What I have noticed is that there are some great budget saving finds.  Finds that I have drooled over on my high priced/ dream list for ages.  Especially if you are eager to complete a room but don't want to spend a fortune, catalogs are a great way to find that happy compromise and meet your decorative or lifestyle want.  

Here are a few of the magazines and some great little finds within their pages..

Eileen Fisher is at Garnet Hill.  I have always been an admirerer of her simple and elegant fashion style,  her muted tones are right up my alley, her style says sophiticated and easy at the same time.   Love the linen sheets & gauzy cotton blankets that can be layered with just about anything.

Ballard Designs always had a trick up their sleeves.. for my taste it is always hit and miss but they do have lovely things..  & for a variety of clients and tastes it can be the perfect fit and price.  

The RUTLAND BARSTOOL can be both contemporary and rustic, suited for more than one households taste.. Leopard prints I think always add flavor to a room when done in moderation.  

This indoor/ outdoor rug (the LEOPARD NAVARRA) was eye catching.  Perfect for a house with sweet little rascals that can always use a good hosing down{i mean the rug of coarse}.

& look! Ballard Designs even puts together a great color board for a room design!  Just saying with one stop shop, it is kind of sweet..

WISTERIA, probabaly my more favored of the catalogs.. since they have some quirky or less predicatble pieces.  (I am less predictable sometimes. I have purchased a footed marble bowl, literally with little feet..so cute.)  A few pieces in particular I am attratcted to.  



{my little footed bowl & ostrich egg}

I think you could design a beautiful gorgeous room around these items, it would just take a little trust and a little bit of designer dust.  Get creative and don't always sluff off the catalogs that appear in your mailbox, flip through them even the most gastly catalogs harbor a great treasure or two.

Monday, February 25, 2013


"There's gold in them there hills"

Gold. It's in. It's nearly everywhere. Even my new voodoo doctor naturopathic doctor says gold is better to wear becasue it conducts good energy..(i'll mention that to my husband).  Whether it be a bangle, a knob, or a new faucet it's in all types of fashion and home decor. & it's fabulous! Give a modern escape a splash of  traditional with a beaten down gilded mirror..HOT. It's a trend but its also been around for centuries, Europe is covered with golds finery.  

You don't have to cover your home in the stuff but bring in your precious metals.. mix your metals!  It's layering at its finest.  Don't let is frighten you, try it on for size with a few items.  Gather them from your home, in your closets you may have those brass bookends that need to have a life again or that gold-leafed mirror that been resting behind the door.  Or for some needed shopping therapy, go to your local homegoods store and prowl for a few finds that scream they have had a life before they met you.. 


Rorschach Andy Warhol

  craft with the wee ones


icebox hardware


Hygge & West

I LIGHT you 2

Did you know you can effect your mood with lighting?  Totally can.

It takes you places..it can scare your socks off or it can give you reason to smile.

So let the mood be a good one.  Let there be light!

It's freaking awesome

Friday, February 22, 2013


There are all kinds of designer rules and must follows.. that's what they said back when I was in school.  But the saying "rules were made to be broken" is SO true in design.  One however I have found I am grateful I remember because it adds so much to a good space.  

Have three light sources!

So that can be natural light let in through a window, door or roof window.  Ambient Lighting - Your general lighting/ ceiling fixtures.  Task/decorative lighting - lamps or sources for a particular need (like the lights closest to your bathroom mirror) or create a particular use (for reading or studying).  & then there is accent or mood lighting, for example hightlighting a piece of art or up lights to cast shadows or reflect light around the room.

It's truly one of my favorite parts about decorating a beautiful room.  Utilizing and creating a great mood in any room with light.  That leads me to my favorite source, windows for natural light is by far my favorite, it makes every space all the more cheery and warm.  It helps to have a great set of panes..  

Here are a few sources I have been considering for our home.

Durango Doors Austin, TX!

Here are my lights when they are hung.  Thanks TOM DIXON.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BEAT that light

I was just popping by Scott+Cooner, walking in to check on prices and see "them" in person, & I definitely walked away with more than planned (yipee-ka-yay-ke-u-zaa!!).  They had just taken them down {they were floor models} and then they had each & every one.. (can you believe this?!! I am still to high on my cloud to not be excited and this was only my first buy.)  First real dip in the building a home pool if you will.

Immediately in heaven when I walked into Scott+Cooner, I was eager to find the lights and put curiousity and questions to rest, prepare ourselves for what to expect for our light budget.  And Kristen my sales associate was quick to take me back and show me the lights.  Oh yeah, they had my lights!  

"Can I have a floor model discount?"  

"I can see!"  was her reply.. 

I'm thinking will Trav be okay with this impromtu spree?  Can I just go ahead with it?!  These are the lights I have been gawking over for sometime and there are not many things that really do it for me.. oh yes I DID.  When she came back with a lovely 40% off I could not say yes anymore quickly than I did.  I felt I had won the jackpot!  So satisfied with my buy and to add to the sweetness Travis was totally on board and happy with my score.

So here are my little beauties.. One TOM DIXON Beat Light - Stout (the Biggest kiss), One Beat Light - Wide, one Beat Light - Fat & One Beat Light - Tall 

Happy as a lark.

Here is where "the big kiss" mr. stout will go.. in the foyer..

& his three little buddies.. lined up in the study.